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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Went to a tattoo convention today and an artist made a custom piece for me!

Because I was super early and she didn't have an appointment yet.

But I walked around first to make sure I could get exactly what I wanted, I talked to a lot of artists and met some new artist friends so it was really fun.

So I stopped at one booth before I met my tattoo artist today and was looking through their flash wondering if they had anything close to my idea. This exchange happened:

Tattoo artist: oh what kind of things are you into that we could tattoo?
Me: occult stuff?
Tattoo artist: *shows me scary faces, daggers, and demons* 
Me: I was thinking more like (weird voice) “I talk to ghosts on an ouija board and touch crystals in the dark" (normal voice) kind of occult. 

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