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Thursday, December 14, 2017

some memories found:

So, years ago, back when I was 16 or so I found this forum called Pendako. It was an art forum and I joined just to kind of see what it was about. Well, I fell into this great little community and we created this instant chemistry. I met my friend Graham on this forum (Bunyip) along with a lot of people I have lost contact with over the years. I do miss the chemistry of this forum. Pendako shut down a couple years after I graduated from high school and I haven't been able to recreate that feeling of community. We all were friends on different levels and one of my best memories is writing that Forum-wide Create-Your-Own RPG together where we wrote this long as fuck adventure story piece by piece together. Other than Watercooler (the writing community from around the same time) it was pretty much the only place online where I felt like I could fit and a place that opened me up to so many different experiences.

Last night I went looking for some nostalgia and looked for my old online alias, PinkSpikes. I found these member pictures drawn by some of the more artistic members in a whiteboard session years back posted by one of the former members.


Anyway, here are some pictures of my cat waking me up this morning. I need coffee and to be nostalgic about other things now.

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