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Friday, April 20, 2018

Some Arrow Photos, some sadness

I am a little sad/happy today, super surreal. I saw that my friend/old professor dedicated his recent book to our friend Matt. He posted it and a mutual friend tagged me in it and I was about to leave work when I saw it and my eyes just started watering. I cried about Matt for an hour after that. I wondered what he would say, probably make some joke out of it but low-key be happy about it, proud even. I think about he will react all the time to things. How he would react to things his dad and stepmom post on facebook, how he would respond to posts about him that his close friends and family would post. But most of all I think of how he would react to me, who we would be as friends today had he never left. 

I miss him, I wish he could come back to all of us. 

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