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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

When your house flipping and selling university-era acquaintance compliments your lame Sims houses. (Also the mark up tool in the iphone gallery is literally the hardest thing to use. You can't even work on the top of the photo properly because the dang menu is there and you can't move the photo.)

Speaking of compliments that I don't think I deserve. My manager from work is quite a bit older than me she used to manage a Hallmark store and sometimes we tell stories of the places we used to manage. Well, I was talking to her about how it is very sad to me that paper letters/cards are a rare thing to receive nowadays because the internet can be so impersonal. She told me she would have loved to have me on her team back then because I was creative and they needed creative people when they were creating greeting cards with people's photos. I would have loved that back then because I was very into computer creativity than I am now. Now, I like to be creative with my coffee and that's it. It is funny that she thinks that because my creativity now just involves making those silly v-day internet cards of my friends quoting weird things that they've said to me. 

Brandon: House is loosely based on me.
Megan; How loosely are we talking?
Brandon: Well, we're both people.
Megan: [trying to contain laughter, turning red] 
Rob: You're thinking about "We're both people," aren't you?
Megan: [laughing] Yes
 [ The ride home]
Megan: [laughing]
Brandon/Rob: ?
Megan: I don't want to tell you guys what I am laughing about because you'll think I'm stupid.
Brandon: What is it?
Megan: No.
Brandon: No, what?
Megan: [laughing] We're both people. I just can't.


[Rob and I drunk on Angry Orchards in my Austintown apartment] 
Rob: [Looks up at the ceiling wistfully] Man...I can't wait to be a ghost. I'd put my dick on everything. 
Me: [falls off the futon laughing] 

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