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Friday, March 9, 2018

So that Netflix series, Love, is so good. Gus (Paul Rust) reminds me a lot of Matt so much so that the show is a little hard to watch. I have a lot of flashbacks to my relationship with Matt because of that. Mostly because at the time we were really into drinking and dancing while going to school which didn't really bring out the best of us. We fought a lot about kind of silly things. So the fights with Gus and Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) remind me very much of the things that I experienced when dating Matt.

 It is almost nostalgic and sweet while feeling kind of sad as well. I get the feeling sometimes that I want to reach out to Matt and tell him this reminds me of us and realize that I cannot do that. It makes me feel kind of crap. But I guess, I don't know it is sad and at the same time I am happy I have these memories and that relationship it was crazy passionate and after the relationship, we still cared about each other so immensely. (I mean, besides 2 of my 10 exes... I still am basically best friends with all of the people I dated. Even my ex that I dated for almost 4 years. So...I mean...that isn't too bad but whatever the ones I am close to still didn't hurt me physically or mentally we just broke up or they cheated on me but, meh, if you're gonna cheat on me then I don't wanna date you either. It is hard not to be friends with people that you care about and who care about you.) Anyway that randomness aside, Matt and my relationship and friendship was hella important to me and I was super important to him so I think about him and miss him every god damned day. Death sucks.

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