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Monday, January 29, 2018

Megan paranormal story time:

I have been listening to a lot of creepy ghost stories on youtube from the youtubers Lets Read and (my favorite) Mortis Media. Because, well I like spooky things and I also find certain voices to be relaxing especially in times of high stress.

Anyway, I find when I go through these "extra CREEPY" phases where I do things that spook me more than usual is that I kind of draw the weirdness out. So I thought I would share some of my 100% true stories that I sometimes use to influence my short stories. Anyway, some of these are very old and some are from very recently - like yesterday.

When I was quite young my mother, an avid antiquer, brought home this super ornate armoire that she wanted to keep in the room that my sister and I shared. I didn't mind, it wasn't my style since I was a bit of a young-punky goth even at 9/10. Anyway, this armoire annoyed the HELL out of me after a while. At the time, I was very used to paranormal things happening around the house. I had many friends who decided not to spend the night anymore because of the "little boy in the hallway that would crawl into my bedroom and scare them at night" and the sound of a rocking chair in my room where there was no rocking chair. And other such things that I grew kind of numb to for the most part.

So, anyway, the doors to this armoire were pretty sturdy and latched pretty tight it took quite a bit of force to open them. The armoire was parallel to my bed on the opposite wall by the bedroom door. Anyway, it became nearly nightly that I would wake up at 3:00/3:20 AM randomly only to be met with the doors opening and swaying or opening and slamming shut. I told my mother about it and she felt like it was some shitty attempt at me trying to get rid of this furniture because it wasn't painted black, as most things in my room were. So, whatever, she didn't believe me. My sister also did not experience this particular thing despite at the time waking up a lot in the middle of the night with dreams of something coming out of the armoire and walking out the window by my bed. (Though she could have just made these up to freak me out even more.) It got to the point where I wasn't getting any sleep and I couldn't take it anymore. I basically took my desk chair and like blocked the door with it. Hoping they wouldn't be able to open all the way. I fell asleep and at 3:30 woke up with the doors wide open - wider than they'd ever been - and my huge wooden desk chair flipped over in the middle of the bedroom floor.

I was so terrified and then basically got up and used a shoelace from one my sneakers to tie the closet handles closed.

It wasn't long after this experience that one day (after still getting terrorized by this armoire) that I came home and the thing was out of my room. Later, I found out my mother moved it into the garage and I wonder if perhaps she had an experience with it that freaked her out enough she got rid of the thing. To this day, I am really not a fan of antiques of any sort especially armoires...I just get the creeps.

This story takes place around the time I was just about to go into high school. My brother, sister, mother, and I had just gone to my mother's favorite spot in the woods by the bay so she could fish. My sister, brother, and I took turns annoying her, hanging out in her van listening to rock music, and running around in the woods looking for cool things. Her boyfriend was out of town on work so this was one of the rare occasions we didn't really need to worry about getting yelled at constantly so we just had a lot of fun and bonded with our mom. When we got home my mom was in such a good mood and we were all so happy that she wanted us to all sleep downstairs in the living room together and we could watch movies/eat popcorn/be obnoxious - something her boyfriend would be irritated by.

So, after our little party, we all got curled up where we were going to sleep. My mom and sister slept on opposite sides of the couch. My brother slept on the chair and I tried to sleep on the chair opposite him but it was far too uncomfortable so I got a bunch more pillows and curled up on the floor between the two chairs. The chairs were close the front door area at the time. So when you walked in you kind of saw my brother in one and a chimney with another chair behind it - then the rest of the living room. I literally had my legs pointing toward the door covered by a massive amount of blankets in a little burrito - like I usually sleep.

So, late into the night and early hours of the morning, I am feeling something rubbing against my leg. Initially, I think it is my dog or one of the cats. So I just kind of garble out, "Dude, I am trying to sleep," and like noodge it away. It stops for a moment and I lapse back into unconsciousness only to be pulled out a few seconds later by more forceful rubbing and like my blankets being unraveled like whatever it was - was like trying to get to my pj'd legs. I then think it is my brother or sister fucking with me or trying to get my attention. I say, "Ryan, what do you want?" because he is usually the one that wants me to wake up at ungodly hours to make him eggs or cereal for him at this time. No one says anything - and this is weird to me - while still laying down I peek out from my blanket burrito to see my brother sleeping in the chair. I strain my eyes to look at the couch - my sister and mother's figures are still sleeping. My stomach drops. Whatever is STILL RUBBING ME is NOT MY FAMILY and is now sliding a fucking hand UP MY DAMN THIGH. I start to feel it try to pull my leg out of my blankets and I shoot up and pull my legs closer to my body.

I am confronted by this almost 6ft and some odd inches shadow figure of a man. I can't tell initially if what I am seeing is a ghost or a real person - and honestly - I am still not even sure. My mother's front door was wide open with the storm door closed behind it - this isn't unusual that is how it looked when we went to sleep. But the light coming in from the street was illuminating the man in such a way that he just looked like a shadow...maybe. I could see vague outlines of features. And when I shot up he pulled his hand away and then turned his head to me. Like quietly...examining me? I just felt this deep sickness and anger kind of well up inside of me. I stood straight up and as I did the figure like fell backward as if he was not expecting me to As he was scrambling to stand back up I like very aggressively said, "Who the fuck are you?! What do you think you are doing?! Get out of my house!" The figure said nothing and scrambled toward the front door. I looked at my mom as he left to wake her- tell her to call the police or something so I don't remember if he walked THROUGH the storm door or opened it. I just know he slammed the front door behind him which is what woke my mom. As soon as she woke up I crumbled to the floor in tears - I was inconsolable and just went non-verbal over the whole experience.

Once I got my voice back, I told her later while everyone was still asleep what had happened. Later, when my brother woke up my mother and I were in the kitchen drinking coffee and he looked at her and said, "Why did Don (her boyfriend) come home early?"My mother said, "What? He's still in Florida." My brother said he saw the shadow of a man in the reflection of our TV walk up the stairs to the upper level as he was going in and out of sleep.

This dream still fucks with me especially because the prophecy of the dream has come to pass. Back when I initially dated Matt in 2009 we were in my dorm room trying to share a small twin bed comfortably. He was toward the wall and I was facing my dorm room desk that had one of those rocking generic chairs. This chair was kind of pulled out a little from early in the night when we were kind of hanging out and jamming to Say Hi and The National together.

Anyway, in the dream Matt, my Dad, my best friend Nicole, my ex/friend Jerry, and my friend Marie and I were all walking at night through this hedge maze that was just very old Victorian style with manicured areas were there were these statues and busts littered throughout. We were trying to make our way out and soon came to an area where there were roses growing from the hedges. I went to look at one while we took a moment to decide on which path to take in a fork and realized that it was not a rose but instead a bloody and still beating heart. I was thoroughly freaked out. Making everyone else kind of freak out as well. Matt, Dad, and I lead the charge through what seemed like the best possible path to get the fuck out of the situation.

But soon we lost the other three people and began backtracking to find them. I remember this dream very vividly like I was there in actual life. I remember the veins on leaves of the rose-flower-beating hearts and the feeling of the muddy ground of the maze. As we were backtracking, a woman appeared in front of us. She was this very old lady, very thin. She was wearing this business-like black blazer and pencil skirt. I could see the prominent varicose veins all over her legs and her arms/hands and face. She was striking despite this and had these like very clear pale blue eyes. She said nothing and waved her arm disappearing. I turned around to my Dad and Matt to say, "What the actual fuck?!" But they were gone. I started looking for them, calling for them and crying.

Suddenly, I felt my whole body drop onto the muddy ground and I was transported to the brightly lit cabin. I could hear the crackling of a fire. The woman was standing in front of me tapping her heeled foot and she said, "You will lose everyone you love." She pointed to all of my friends and my father lying dead on the floor of the cabin next to me. I woke up terrified when I realized THE FUCKING WOMAN was SITTING in my desk rocking chair. ROCKING. She was just staring down at me with those fucking same pale blue eyes. And I blinked - she was gone - the chair was still lightly rocking. I woke up Matt and told him and just like started crying and freaking out. He explained it away as night terrors as did my father. My friend Graham is the only one I told who thought it was remotely ominous  - I was actually just looking through our old facebook messages and I was STILL crying about it like 4 days later. I am almost crying about it even now.

When I first started at my job I got this weird feeling in the backroom like someone was watching me or like someone was there. When I was alone, especially the first while, I would leave something sitting somewhere and it would be moved. I also just felt a lot of general tingling and just like my hair was being touched a lot. When I was staying for a month at my boss's house with her we stayed up late kind of chatting. I asked her if she had any weird experiences in the backroom or in the store.

She asked me what I meant and she explained, "Well, some people think the store is haunted. like some of the older managers used to tell us a story of a girl who haunted the store. Named..."
as she was trying to remember the name (and I am not sure if this is connected to the ghost or just general psychicness) I heard in my head "O-zie, Josie, Josie, O-zie"
Then my manager said, "Oh yeah, Rosie."
I was very shocked, honestly. And explained that I had a feeling she was going to say that.

After I knew her name a bunch of extra weird things would happen. Like once we were open at 7am for the holidays. There was NO ONE in the mall expect for other retail employees. I was moving back and forth from doing schedules, checking hours, doing performance plans, to filling the store for the day. I was bent down kind of putting sunglasses on a fixture and organizing them a bit when I heard/felt the breath on my ear of a small child saying, "Hello?"

I look up totally expecting to see a child standing next to me because the customers can sometimes sneak up on you and my store is quite long and I was very towards the back. I looked over and saw no one. I flipped to the other side, no one. I straightened up and looked all around and ran over to the front of the store and looked out into the mall - completely void of any signs of customers in fact most of the lights were still off.

I was pretty freaked out but powered through.

I was telling this story to one of my new employees who mentioned getting weird feelings in the back room as a reason why they didn't want to vacuum at night. The other manager came in and I got ready to leave, I looked over at the manager and employee and said, "Have a good night!" When I felt this...finger slide up my spine. I came to a complete stop - coffee almost falling out of my hand. And slowly looked behind me. The employee said, "You know that your shirt just moved in a weird way right?"
I nodded slowly and said, "Yup, I know you're there Rosie." Then walked out and stopped down at our sister store to share the experience with the managers down there and kind of stop by and say hi.

So I was standing there telling them the story and as I finished the lid of my coffee popped straight up in the air, spun around and landed on the floor. Almost like I squeezed it with all my strength but I didn't and the cup wasn't bent or squished at all.

Everyone was looking at me when this happened and the one manager was like, "What the actual..."
Another coworker said, "Rosie really likes you."

I was like, "You know, I have been here too long, I will let Rosie hang out with you all now...I gotta go home."

My current apartment has had some weird things happen in it after my father passed away. My roommate's boyfriend heard a man's voice call for me from my bedroom after he heard footsteps in my room when the house was empty.

Personally, I have only had a couple experiences. One of the worst was one that happened probably around this time of morning 3/4 AM, I was sitting on our couch which was facing the kitchen entrance at the time. I was scrolling through Tumblr or Facebook when I heard a feminine voice from the kitchen almost sing-songly say, "Megan...?" I WAS COMPLETELY ALONE. My boyfriend was out of town for work, my roommate was staying at her boyfriend's on the westside. I was just sitting there staring down at my phone pretending that I didn't hear it.

Eventually, after some time and a great amount of courage, I peeled myself off the couch and went upstairs.

Over the summer I was cleaning the downstairs bathroom off of the kitchen. All three cats were sitting right next to me. I happened to look behind me and passed them to the cabinets in the kitchen for whatever reason when this long black amorphous blob kind of moved through the kitchen like a slug toward the cabinets where it stretched up in an almost cat-like motion and disappeared. I looked at the cats who all suddenly looked a little worried and then they looked toward the kitchen and ran out meowing at the window over the cabinets. I was mildly freaked out and ran upstairs to tell my roommate.

Two days ago I was getting ready to do laundry so I was pulling together everything that needed to be cleaned. Our animals were downstairs on the couch sleeping, except for Violet who followed me up to the bedroom and sat on the bed to watch me put the laundry together. I was mumbling to her and myself and then as I turned around to find our laundry card by my record player my door parallel to me purposefully closed shut like there was someone who grabbed the handle to latch it closed. I opened the door. Said, "Ashlee?" then realized her and her boyfriend were out to eat. I walked downstairs and asked my boyfriend if he had closed the door and he was in the middle of playing Monster Hunter so he just kind of motioned to the game and shook his head. All the cats were sleeping. Then I realized I left the laundry upstairs and had to steel myself to get my body back up there and get laundry done.

I have more things but I am also pretty tired at this point. Also I keep hearing knocking noises coming from the cabinets in my kitchen now and I am going upstairs.

Good fucking night.

Why do I do these things that I do to myself?

Okay, go jam to Say Hi with the ones that you love for me because I can't jam to it with Matt. 

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