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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Quick updates with pictures.

1.) I graduate officially in November, need to complete a couple electives that I put off until now because I like to complete all the requirements first.

2.) Paying to have my thesis bound sucked. Specifically, it sucked like $130 dollars from my life.

3.) I am going to San Diego for graduation, so that should be fun. I just wish my dad was still alive to go with me, I miss him a lot, especially in moments where I am doing really cool things like completing my Master's degree.

4.) Have been relearning languages I used to be fluent in for fun and that is exciting to me. That is more like, just a random thought, but I have been studying Spanish, Italian, Gaelic, and French since 10pm when I got home from work so it is something I am still coming down from right now. (Though, sidebar, I was never super fluent in Gaelic but my McCormick side of the family used to speak it all the time especially when they were trying to talk privately around the kids and I picked up a lot of it from just listening to it. But much of it has, not surprising, slipped my mind since my grandfather died.) (I was also never super fluent in French but studying my Huguenot ancestors has made me interested in doing so, ha. It would especially help when reading some old school websites trying to find out why my 14th great grandfather's name is floating in a large paragraph of text that sounds interesting in the context of what I CAN understand.)

5.) I downloaded this thing Sarahah where people can leave anon love and hate to me because I am attention starved, obviously.

6.) This is a little old news, but one of my close friends got married a couple weeks ago and I was in the wedding. It was really fun. I ATE SO MANY GREENS. Of course, there wasn't much for a little vegetarian to eat besides greens and potatoes so you know, I made the best of food situation and I enjoyed it. 10/10 would eat ten tons of greens again.

Anyway, I didn't do any speech, because well, ya'll know how I am panic attacks in front of people and nervousness and junk. But I did write something up so here is what it was:

"These two fine humans are getting married today. In the short time that I have known them (together), they have always been there for me without me having to ask. Jeanette has been a friend who always practiced "showing up" and soon after Jeremy Cole entered her life it was clear he was the same kind of friend. Without fail, every time, whenever I needed a friend they were there for me. Not many people in my life have been that consistent in their friendship and have gone out of their comfort zone for me as much. So I am happy to show up for them today and support them and their love in the future. Because I know friends like these are hard to come by.

As a friend of theirs, I have seen them even out each other's moods and I find joy in seeing my friends so happy.

Some people aren't as lucky as them. Not everyone is as well suited for each other but J & J have hit the love lotto with their connection. Their love is a reminder that people can actually be, meant to be.

When J and J first met Jeanette had a scratch off Victoria secret gift card which would give you different amounts of money to use in store. From $5 to $500. Jeanette said to me, if I am meant to marry this guy then this will be $500. We scratched it off and it was $500. So it was like we've always known that we would be here, now.
So happy wedding, my dear friends. I love you."

And here are some pics from the wedding and the days before:

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