2003: High School
Me: (sitting at my best friend Nicole’s house who I have known since 2001 playing video games. her house phone rings. It is my sister)
Heather: Meg, mom wants to know Nikki’s phone number.
Me: Heather… you called here didn’t you?
Heather: Oh… yeah.
2009: Heather at 19/20
Heather: (driving) grab that piece of paper out of my purse. It’s a poem Tom wrote for me.
Me: (suspicious) He was in my 10th grade English class when he was 20 years old. I don’t believe this man has read a poem.
Heather: No it’s really good though.
Me: (opens paper) “Heather I love you more than beer.”
Heather: See?!
Me: Heather, he says he loves you more than beer. This is poetry to you?
Heather: Megan, what you need to understand is that Tom REALLY loves beer.
Heather: You’re only jealous because you’re single!
Megan: Well, maybe I am single because someone writing a one sentence poem about me and comparing me to a beverage is like not the kind of relationship I want.
Heather: Ok well maybe you should lower your standards because Megan, men like beer.
Megan: Oh Jesus Christ.
2008- going to Andover with a boyfriend to introduce him to my mom & sister.
Heather (sees us walking around the square and jumps out of her truck) Megan! I gotta show you my tattoos. (Takes off her shirt in broad daylight and shows my ex and I her brass knuckle tattoos on her chest)
Megan: Heather why did you get brass knuckles?
Heather: Because I am a gangsta!
Megan: Heather there is a horse farm next to our house and we are surrounded by corn! Your first boyfriend’s name was Bubba!
Heather: Well, I am a country gangsta. Anyway someone did these for free. Also, Bubba was his nickname.
Megan: That is worse because he was 17 and still going by Bubba!
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