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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

My friend from the UK who I met in ‘01/‘02 on a little art forum named Pendako now lives in Canada with their long-time partner. A week or so ago they drove down to spend a few days with my partner and I so we could all go to a Taking Back Sunday concert. It has always been their dream to go to a TBS concert with me and since they were playing at a concert hall we are members of it seemed like the perfect opportunity. TBS was a band I introduced them to and despite them having a heavier music taste they really dug them and got more into the band than even I was at the time.  

We actually got invited to go to a private acoustic set with like only… maybe 30 other people or something like that. I ended up needing to sit down so sat down at the bar and couldn’t really see much because a tall dude decided he was going to stand right in front of me at the bar. Eventually, he realized I was holding my phone above his head to see and moved. 

After that, I could see the stage enough. But we also ended up paying a bit extra for the VIP seating area so we could all sit because my friend was in pain from rock climbing the day before and I was in pain from .. being alive… I guess. I’m just old and my knees and ankles are giving out despite my best efforts to not age. 

It was a lot of fun. 

Me to Shawn in the middle of the concert: How are you feeling listening to all the sad music your future wife used to cry listening to as a depressed 15-year-old?

It made me happy to have Shawn and my friend meet and really like each other. Especially because I was friends with them during a very formidable time of my life. During my teen years, I was especially anxious and suicidal due to my now-known undiagnosed autism. The friends I had at that time held a really important place in my heart because having those friends was how I survived those years.  

We did some Pokemon Go-ing together. Went to a ridiculously pretentious overpriced sushi place where luckily they had vegan sushi for me. We went to a lackluster aquarium with a couple friends. Then my best friend met us at a poke place and we went to an arcade for a few. It was a pretty eventful few days in which I ended up getting really burnt out socially and it took me a while to recover. I have a social battery life of like 2 hours (a week) and then all the life starts draining out of me. But I was really good this time, which was nice, considering the last time I saw my friend in person it was for a couple weeks before I flew back to the States. 

I asked my friend to be a bridesperson in my wedding so they are coming back for that with their partner. It will be good to see them again also I really like their partner so I can’t wait to hang out with her. 

Anyway here are some pictures:


I remembered today that I never shared my latest new tattoos here. I was just thinking of getting a new tattoo after the wedding.

Also I picked out my dress! It’s so cool and spooky. I am so excited. 



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