I received my certificate for the English Honor Society I was invited to join. Weee! How exciting.

Partner and I finished Lost Girl and I cried...a lot. Tonight we started watching Brooklyn Nine Nine which is cool. It is basically just Parks and Rec and replaces the Pawnee parks office with a New York police station. It is okay, funny, yeah. It is really hard for me to watch Andy Samberg because back in 2010/2011 when I was (trying to/procrastinating on) writing a screenplay for my screenwriting class I had a coffee-and-anxiety-fueled inspiration dream where he was the murderer in the elaborate thriller my brain came up with. Which is such a weird role choice for him but it worked for some reason and my dream was very memorable because of that. So when I woke up the next day I was able to write my screenplay for this entire hour-and-a-half long movie from my memory just before it was due in class.
My professor actually pulled me aside and asked me why I was bothering with college because I should really drop out and write screenplays since (he felt) my thriller would sell as a major motion picture. He gave me an A, not an A+, because of formatting issues. To be quite fair, I did write it half asleep while drinking a gallon of straight black coffee and muttering to myself about how I was going to fail at school as my roommate watched from our living room.
I remember showing it to Matt a couple years later and he got upset and said that the prof was nuts because he didn't like Matt's screenplay but he loved mine. I asked, "Matt, how many times did you make a dick joke in your film?" He said, "I don't ALWAYS write dick jokes! I mean, I did make some in my screenplay but not all the time!"
Tangent aside, having Samberg do comedy is like jarring for me because his most emotive and visceral role ever was a cold-blooded murderer in my dream-film. So when I think of him I see him in scenes of my film and my nightmare.
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